Monday 6 August 2012

The Journey (Guardians, #1)

The Journey begins. Actually, it began about a week ago, on the 31st of July. But I'd delayed this announcement so I could iron out a few formatting issues, amongst other things. Everything seems to be reasonably okay at the moment, so I guess it's time to let the cat out of the bag.

In case you haven't been following its progress over the last couple of months, this is the first book in an epic fantasy series called Guardians & The Lost Paradise. In it I attempt to tackle the mystery of what awaits us on "The Other Side." But there are a few facts that need clarifying before I go any further.

First off, the book is NOT an 800-page monster like most epic fantasy books out there. It is actually the length of a novella, and can be comfortably read in one sitting. After a rather ruthless round of editing, the final word count is just a bit over 20,000 words. Secondly, it was written with a Christian worldview (i.e. in which God created the heavens and earth). Lastly, it ends with a major twist and a cliffhanger to boot.

So, there, I said it.

To find out more, you can visit, from where you can also join the mailing list. That way you'll receive an e-mail notification whenever subsequent books in the series become available. Alternatively, you can snag a copy directly from Amazon: click here if you live in the US, and here if you live in the UK.

It has been six years in the making. I really hope you enjoy reading it.


  1. You should've released on massive paperback book of the whole story.

    Or, y'know, congratulations. Christian worldviews are not as bad as advertised.

    1. lol

      Thanks, Tony. I wasn't going to mention any of it, but I just felt it is only fair to let readers know what to expect. :)

  2. Congrats! I hope all your hard and long work pays off ten-fold! (Or you know, a hundred...a thousand...)

  3. Congratulations on your book release!

    1. Thanks, Kyra. And best of luck with the Game On blog tour! :D

  4. Congratulations! Didn't realize it was out yet. I'll do a shout-out for you on Wednesday.

  5. I'm so glad to have my copy already! I really can't wait to read it. I just finished the book I was in the middle of, so I can give it my full attention...

    1. Sweet. Hope you enjoy it. And please consider leaving a review on Amazon if you do. :D

  6. I'll be downloading a copy and reading it. I love fantasy and anything you spent six years on is worth investigating.

  7. Congratulations Michael. You'll be on my TBR list soon.

  8. Awesome job Michael. The cover looks great.

    1. Thanks, Maurice. It's far from the original vision, but they can always be updated sometime down the line. :)

  9. Congratulations! Gorgeous cover.

  10. Woot! Congrats. I love the cover.
    Best of luck. :)
