Wednesday 1 February 2012

February Writing Challenge: Day 1

Today, I officially wrote as many words as I managed to get down the whole of last month: 2,400. It's 30 minutes before midnight over here right now, and I'm feeling a bit worn out to say the least. Need to rest up for Day 2 of the challenge. Hopefully, I'll get to write as many, if not more, words as I did today. I'll continue posting my progress both here and on the official kindleboards thread. Peace.


  1. There are some exercises to cure premature ejaculation that you can start to try. One of the most popular is to meditate. Right now, you don't have any control over your body. You are unable to control your orgasms and you need to work on this so you can last longer. Meditation helps you to refocus and regain that control over your body so you can stop premature ejaculation. Also, the more you meditate, the stronger it gets so you could start to increase your stamina by hours. That is something that would blow both you and your partner away.

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