Wednesday 3 June 2015

IWSG: Under the Weather

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and time for members of the Insecure Writer's Support Group to share their writerly insecurities. The group was started by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and those interested in joining in can visit for more information.

I am writing today's post from the confines of my bed, and as I write, the rainclouds hang heavy in the sky. This serves as a perfect metaphor for how I am feeling right now. I'd been nursing a cold for about a week, which turned into a full-blown fever over the weekend. The good news is I am already on the mend, but I still have to endure the side effects of the drugs I have been taking.

Needless to say, I haven't gotten any writing done recently. But don't worry, I won't be whining about that today, as tempted as I am. The funniest thing here is I am feeling too lightheaded at the moment to feel bad or beat myself up about it, all thanks to the aforementioned side effects. So I guess that every cloud does have its silver lining.


  1. Hope you feel better really soon. And if you're too high to care, that is a good thing.

  2. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I hope the rainclouds disappear and your cold gets better ASAP!

    1. Thanks, Lauren. I feel better already, but it seems the rainclouds are here to stay.

  3. Get well soon!
    Me too am suffering from a horrible fever and cold.. But somehow I managed to write four blog posts in one go! All scheduled for October..
    Am I just too addicted to blogging? :D

    1. Thanks. And wow. I can't wait to read the blog posts. Sorry about the fever. Hope you get well soon too.

  4. So hard to write with a foggy brain! I hope you feel better really soon!

    1. Thanks, Hart. Indeed it is. But I somehow managed to slap this blog post together. :)

  5. I hope you feel better soon - maybe write down a description of your symptoms to use for a character later. :)

  6. I hope you feel better soon. When I'm sick, I never get writing done either. I just want someone to take care of me.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine (Cohost for June)~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. LOL. I can totally relate with that. Thanks, Patricia. :)

  7. Feel better soon Michael. Enjoy the lightheadness and the reason to sleep through the storms.

  8. By the time you read this, I hope your cold is gone, the cold medicine side affects are gone and that you are your muse are reunited:)

    1. Thanks, Sandra. The cold itself is gone, for the most part. I am still on the meds for now, today being my last dose. And my muse is nowhere to be found at the moment, although I am confident she would eventually find her way back home; I even left the doors and windows open for her, just in case. ;)
