Wednesday 4 June 2014

IWSG: Thanks!

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and time for members of the Insecure Writer's Support Group to share their writerly insecurities with fellow members and the world. The group was started by Alex J. Cavanaugh, one of the coolest bloggers on this side of the blogosphere. For those interested in joining the group, you can visit for more information.

I almost completely forgot today was the first Wednesday of the month, which is why I am putting this post up several hours later than I normally would. Last month, I whined about wanting to make significant changes to a plot that already seemed set in stone. Since then, I have taken most of the advice I received to heart.

I am pleased to announce that the plot has started developing more naturally, now that I've loosened the reins a bit. So I'd like to use today's post to thank all those that helped nudge me in the right direction. I guess I knew what needed to be done, but I just needed to hear it from someone else. So thanks guys, for providing this writer with some much-needed support. Now, off I go to pay it forward.


  1. Glad the changes make it flow better! Yeah, sometimes we know, but we just don't want to admit it.
    And thanks for the kind words.

  2. In completely unrelated news, I wished I whined less in my IWSG posts and did more of this. You're a good man, Michael.

    1. Thanks, Tony. That said, I think a little whining every now and then never hurt nobody. :)

  3. I like the first Wednesday of every month because I get to hear about your book progress! Plots are never set in stone, even when you publish it there are bits you wish you changed. Go with the flow and have no regrets.

    1. Thanks, Ed. I know I should probably post more about my writing outside of first Wednesdays, so I'll try and work on that.

  4. Great news. It's always a good feeling when your book starts to come together.

    1. Yeah. It's one of those things that make the whole thing worth it.

  5. Glad to hear that the plot is flowing more naturally for you. Good luck!

  6. I'm glad to know the plot has started developing more naturally! It's hard to force that kind of thing. Hope you have a first-class day Michael!

  7. Glad to hear your plot is unfolding nicely!

  8. Very glad the advice worked for you! Writing can have a funny balance between reining in and letting go. I think it ends up best when we do the opposite of what we NORMALLY do--a loosey goosey person imposes some control and those of us who like control let go a bit.
