Monday 11 June 2012

The 7 x 7 Link Award

Guess what? I was nominated for another award. What? The title of my post kinda gave it away already...? Darn. Should have gone with something more cryptic. Anyways, the name of this award is The 7 x 7 Link Award and it was given to me by the ever-resourceful Geek Twins.

To accept this award, I need to list (and provide links) to my existing blog posts I feel fall into the following seven categories. So here it goes:

Most Beautiful Piece
2011 in Review: Looking Back

Most Helpful Piece
Let's Get Digital (Book Review)

Most Popular Piece
The Lost Children (Music Review)

Most Controversial Piece
A Short Rant about Walls and Sh#t!

Most Surprisingly Successful Piece
Young Adult (Movie Review)

Most Underrated Piece
My Very First Blog Post

Most Pride-Worthy Piece
The Origin of a Storyteller

Right. The instructions on how to pass this award on to others wasn't exactly provided. But I am going to take a wild guess and pass it on to "7" fellow bloggers anyway:

Resident Gamer
Scouring Monk
Cassie Mae
Lora Palmer
Annalisa Crawford

Enjoy. :D


  1. Your controversial one intrigues me!

    1. Hehe. That was the idea at the time of my posting it. :)

  2. Congrats Michael and I gotta say you nominated some great blogs. They're all awesome.

  3. Congratulations and many more to come!


  4. What an interesting award - congratulations, and thank you for passing it to me. I'm off to check out your posts :-)

  5. Nothing to do with this post really, but I came by again because it popped up in my Reading List.

    Really should have noticed before but I just noticed you're a sci-fi writer. Awesome! I will definitely try to get around to reading your books at some point. I'll try and nudge them in my girlfriend's direction because she loves her sci-fi and reviews books too, so hopefully that'll get you a bit more exposure.

    Keep up the good work.


  6. Congrats on the award, and thanks for passing it on to me! Much appreciated. :)

  7. Oh, I'll be reading your very first blog post then! :D

    And thanks for tagging me! Yay!

  8. Congrats!! Thanks for awarding me too. :)

    1. It was a no-brainer really. You have such an awesome blog! I can't wait to see which posts you choose to dig out from the archives. :D

  9. Oh wow! Thanks so much for this awesome award!! I'm in Spain right now, but I can't wait to write my response post. Seriously thought, thanks so much for thinking to pass this award on to me!

    1. You're welcome. I can't wait to read your response post either. But take your time, and have fun in Spain, and post pictures! :D

  10. Stop cursing me with awards! I'm still trying to process some earlier ones (and really not used to getting them!). Anyway, thanks. I'd looked through your archives before, and was a little surprised that you're still basically a greenhorn at this, starting out so recently! Still waiting to see your blog get back into a regular groove after A-to-Z, though.

    1. You know what? I just couldn't resist. :))

      As for things getting back to normal... well, I've been terribly preoccupied with this book project of mine. But in all fairness, there was never a strict schedule beyond writing progress reports, reviews and the occasional rant. :)

  11. This is a fun award! I'll check out all your links, they sound very interesting! I come from the Writer's Support Group, trying to catch up with as many blogs as I can.

    I'll be back for more!

  12. This is your week for awards. I have one for you over at my blog so stop by when you have a chance.

    1. Wow. Another one you say. I'll go check it out right away.

  13. Congrats on the award Michael. this is a great opportunity for me to discover your friends :).

    1. Thanks. And yes, you should totally check out my friends too. They've got some pretty amazing blogs. :D

  14. Thanks so much for this award, Michael! I'm working on my reply post, passing it along :)

    1. You're welcome. Can't wait to see which posts you decide to link to. :D

  15. Found you through a linky, new to blogging and seeking other writers to connect with so hope it's okay to follow you.

    1. It is more than okay. It is awesome! Nice to meet you. :D

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